Award-winning Rhizolizer® soil “probiotics” can increase diameter by 11% in two weeks
Celebrate National Strawberry Day with Larger Berries
Larger berries are the key to more profit per acre, and data confirms you can easily increase average diameter by up to 11% in just two weeks! How? By using Rhizolizer®soil “probiotic” technology. Voted 2019 Best Biological of the Year, these award-winning treatments are customized to local conditions, soil types and cropping systems, and delivered refrigerated for maximum freshness. Each cost-effective and low-use-rate Rhizolizer treatment is easily applied without changing standard practices and specifically addresses top strawberry growing challenges—including early season plant growth.
Let’s take a look. In this Florida field trial, plant diameter measurements were taken on Florida Brilliance strawberries two weeks after treating with Rhizolizer. Results confirm that the Rhizolizer-treated berries had 11% larger average diameters compare to berries using standard grower practices. Increased plant diameter allows plants to support early fruit production, meaning Rhizolizer soil “probiotics” can help grow faster, bigger and better berries. And that’s not all. Ongoing treatments result in improved plant resilience and vigor, higher productivity, more soil carbon deposition and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions—all while improving profits. Celebrate National Strawberry Day by treating your berries with Rhizolizer to see the results for yourself.
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