Locus AG Biologicals: A Vital Input For Farming Operations
Row Crop growers are juggling a multitude of decisions and challenges—which biological input they use doesn’t have to be one of them.
From global supply shortages to skyrocketing costs, growers require proven solutions to improve crop productivity and increase yields. Locus AG biologicals are specifically formulated with superior microbial strains to support growers in many of the most common challenges they face, while boosting ROI.
Superior Biological Products for Row Crops
Locus AG biologicals are proven by third-party CRO trials to:
- Increase yields and grower ROI
- Improve nutrient availability and uptake
- Expand root growth
- Enhance soil quality
Locus AG biologicals are Simply Vital to the future of any farming operation.
Proven Multi-Year Yield Results
But don’t just take our word for it. We’ve partnered with third-party, independent, contract research organizations to run randomized and replicated trials across the country that prove our products boost meaningful yields and ROI for U.S. farmers. Based on these trials in major row crops, we have enough replication and consistency to say with 95% confidence that the yield results we’re seeing in our trials will be experienced in your fields.*
Locus AG Biologicals for Row Crops
Locus AG row crop biologicals are offered in a variety of products based on application preference and crop type. Customers often use a combination of products to achieve specific goals on their farm. Products are available in both dry hopper box and liquid formulations. We partner with a variety of distributors and partner networks around the country to help farmers achieve agronomic success.

Rhizolizer® is a line of crop-specific products that contain endophytic microbial strains that are superior to others on the market. These strains boost yields by creating a strong root system, and increasing plant vigor and nutrient uptake in the plant.

Inocuprime™ contains the highly effective microbial inoculant, Rhizobia. It creates nodules to fix nitrogen and boosts yields for high-performing legume crops.

Pantego® showcases the industry’s only free-living yeast soil amendment. This phosphate solubilizing yeast not only increases the availability of phosphate, but also supports extensive root growth to unlock and transport nutrients and water to the plant tissue.

Bombigro™ is a foliar-applied product containing unique yeast metabolites produced biologically through fermentation. It improves photosynthesis, crop vigor and provides an extra yield boost.